
Dale Wisely: Three Questions

Three Questions

What did you see them do?
What did they do to you?
What are these things you’ve done?

What did you see them do?
What did they do to you?
What are these things you’ve done?

There are a thousand other questions–
circling, looking for a clear space to land.
Not any clearing, though.

They need a spot with enough cover.
No one around to see.
No enemy around to attack.

But there are some that have already landed.

What did you see them do?
What did they do to you?
What are these things you’ve done?

Maybe you don’t trust the questioner.
Maybe you don’t trust the questions.
Maybe you don’t trust your answers.

Do what you must.
Lie to others
but tell yourself the truth.

What have you seen them do?
What have they done to you?
What are these things you’ve done?

And listen. One more:
What can I do for you?

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